The Hair Scan Report is one of our favorite tools for understanding each body on an epigenetic level. See, we work with people that are trying to get to the root cause of their gut issues (like painful bloating, constipation, and diarrhea) and balance their hormones, lose weight, or get rid of their fatigue and most of them have already done SO many labs and procedures like blood work or stool tests or colonoscopies or endoscopies -  without getting the answers they needed to know to support their body.

Traditional testing can be SO helpful if you are seeking a diagnosis (Celiac disease, Chron’s disease, Hashimoto’s, Graves disease) or if have problems that can be picked up through those tests. However, what do you do if you KNOW there’s a problem because of your symptoms but you don’t get a diagnosis? 

What about if you DO get a diagnosis - how can you support your body then?

What factors influenced those symptoms in your body in the first place?

What can you actually DO through diet and lifestyle practices to support your unique gut and balance your hormones?

What specific stressors are causing issues for your unique body?

The Hair Scan Report gives you answers to those questions and others like:

  • What specific foods should I be eating more of to support my gut and hormones?

  • Does my gut need more good bacteria? Is it more susceptible to fungal or bacterial overgrowths?

  • Are there toxins bothering my gut?

  • Are my adrenals being supported for optimal hormone health?

  • Is stress influencing my gut and hormone health?

  • What minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, antioxidants, and amino acids does my gut need more of to heal and thrive?


The Epigenetic Hair Scan is Perfect For You If… 


Your labs and blood work have all come back “Normal.”

If you’re tired of all your labs coming back normal when you don’t FEEL normal, this is a great tool to show you what your body needs for optimal function and thriving instead of waiting until there is a deficiency.


You’re ready to implement changes you just don’t know where to start

With all the different health advice out there - how are you supposed to know what will work for YOU? Using the data from the hair scan you can see what the priorities are for your body right now.


You feel stuck in your health journey and are tired of not seeing progress

Sometimes we need to re-evaluate, learn new skills, and become more in tune with our bodies. You are your own best healer. Learning to listen to what your body needs and decipher it’s many messages and signals to us is what healing is all about.

Epigenetic Hair Scan

What’s Included?

  • 37-page Key Optimization Report detailing specific needs for your body.

  • In-person or zoom consult to review your Optimization Report OR detailed notes reviewing the scan.

  • Custom action plan and protocol to support the indicators on the scan.





  • Hair is an incredible, resilient bio marker that can show you an abundance of information about the expression of your genes.

    Through your hair samples our technology called the S -drive, maps the hair follicle, sends the information our lab in Germany, and then evaluates over 800 wellness indicators. The system then returns a personalized report (The Optimization report) which identifies the specific nutritional and environmental influences for your unique body.

    These are the nutrients, organ systems, and burdens the report shows you.

  • Click any of the book hair scan buttons on this page or click here. Choose from in-person options to meet with me in Salt Lake City, UT or the mail-in option if you are out of state.

  • A comprehensive list of potential food demands and irritants for your unique body.

    A detailed list of underlying environmental sensitivities that may be reducing your overall wellness including toxic metals, mold, parasites, and electromagnetic sensitivities.

    Food and nutrient recommendations to support the Immune system, Gut Microbiome, and Circulatory system.

    The Optimization Wellness Report covers the following epigenetic indicators:

    • Essential Fatty Acids

    • Amino acids

    • Antioxidants

    • Environmental challenges

    • Vitamins

    • Minerals

    • Frequency Interference

    • Resistance Factors

  • Great question! This can be a great piece to the puzzle of your body that works alongside blood work. Blood is a great biomarker for what is currently happening cellularly at that moment. Hair is a great biomarker because it has a storage of information at a cellular level.

    A blood test measures quantitatively the number of cells as well as a variety of chemical and biochemical parameters known as serum markers. These include hormones, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, metabolites, minerals, and electrolytes. The quantitative analysis is based on a straight comparison between the sample taken and the standards set by the world health organization (WHO), in terms of concentration and amounts present in the sample compared to a given standard.

    The S Drive is a qualitative test that uses the hair follicle to describe the course the body has taken over the last 3 months and it gives an indication of where the body is heading. In other words, it can be used not as a diagnostic tool but as a preventative tool, by changing the pathway the body (human physiology) is currently following.

    The epigenetic reports highlight the potential risks to the metabolic processes that are influenced by the lifestyle choices we have made and the environmental exposures we have been exposed to. These influence the epigenetic pool which influences the protein-coding DNA, creating proteins and enzymes giving rise to our tissue profile, not just blood circulation.

    The difference between the hair scan report and blood work is vast and not comparable. Another thing to note is by the time the blood test is processed, analyzed, reported, and explained to the patients, many days or weeks may have passed. The results obtained with such a test describe in a quantitative manner the way the physiology of the body was working at the time of taking the sample, which in a very high percentage of cases, does no longer reflect the current physiological condition the person presents with when going back to the Physician to get hers/his results.

    Included among the parameters that are of environmental origin and that severely impact the body are those caused by electromagnetic frequencies emanating from WIFI, mobile phones, computers, air conditioners and/or microwaves, These devices are constantly (24/7, 365 days and nights of the year) bombarding the body. No blood test can provide results on such exposures. In addition, the S Drive can identify sources of radiation, the presence of toxins, microorganisms or food additives that potentially are impairing our health and ability to maintain our natural state of wellness and well-being.

    Long story short, both are helpful tools for your health but you can access different information from each.

  • The S-Drive (the machine that reads your hair sample) works by converting natural wave frequencies (signatures) from hair samples to a digital file which is sent to our informational centre in Hamburg, Germany. Here, our computer decodes, encodes and digitalizes the signature wave emanating from its resonance with that of the hair follicle and then reads it. It synthesizes over 800 individual data points. The process is relevant to the epigenetic data captured. The relevancy data is used to create the charts and tables of the completed Optimize reports.

    The hair and bulb follicles have proven to be effective biomarkers, as they accumulate information from Homeostasis and epigenetics over time. This reflects a variety of underlying metabolic processes.

    Read more about the technology and the science behind the S drive here.

    The S drive is also FDA compliant.

  • No problem! Your sample can also be collected from eyebrows, arms, and beards.

  • Yes! Wait to be scanned at least 48 hours after freshly dyed hair.

  • In-person consult: At my location in SLC. We will collect the sample, and receive and review the report in the same appointment.

    Hair Scan with Detailed Notes: At my location in SLC. During this appointment, I will collect your sample, and then I will send you detailed notes on the results.

    Mail in option: I will send you a collection kit to collect your own sample, you will mail it back, and then we will review the optimization report virtually once it’s been processed.

  • I have several resources available to you to support you in creating the habits and lifestyle you’ll need to see results in your health.

    You can join my free Facebook group for free trainings, workshops, and community support from other members: Gutsy Gals: IBS Support for Busy, Bloated, Burned out women

    To see a huge transformation in your health and support you in creating the habits and lifestyle you’ll need to see results in your health join my 14-week program “The Healthy Gut Method.” Learn more about it here.

  • No! I do in-person consults in Salt Lake City but I also offer mail in options where I send you a collection kit to collect your own sample. It is sent to a processing center in Chicago to generate your report. From there we set up a zoom call to go over the report once it’s sent back to me. These can be done from anywhere in the US (besides NY) and include the consult, sample kit, and shipping both ways. To book a mail-in kit click here and choose any of the mail in options.

  • I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and a Certified Health and Wellness Coach through AFPA, an internationally accredited and recognized program.